我有一个有点复杂的问题要解释,但我会尽量做到准确。我正在构建一个带有注释的日历(我正在使用 JTAppleCalendar)。所以基本上我想要实现的是显示日历并在其下方显示一个表格视图,其中将列出该特定日期的所有笔记。注释存储在核心数据中。所以我有两个实体: AgendaNotes AgendaNoteDates

AgendaNotes 与 AgendaNoteDates 有一对多的关系(所以基本上每个笔记都可以有多个日期)



@IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
@IBOutlet weak var calendar: JTAppleCalendarView!

var eventsFromTheServer: [String:AgendaEvent] = [:]

override func viewDidLoad() {
DispatchQueue.global().asyncAfter(deadline: .now()) {
        let serverObjects = self.getServerEvents()
        for (date, event) in serverObjects {
            let stringDate = self.formatter.string(from: date)
            self.eventsFromTheServer[stringDate] = event

        DispatchQueue.main.async {


 func handleCellSelection(cell: CalendarCell, cellState: CellState) {
    let cellDateString = formatter.string(from: cellState.date)
    for (title, event) in eventsFromTheServer {            
        if title == cellDateString {
            func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
                // Dequeue Cell
                let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "CalendarAgendaCell", for: indexPath) as! CalendarAgendaCell
                //Fetch model object to display
                configuringCell(cell: cell, indexPath: indexPath)
                // Return cell
                return cell
 func configuringCell(cell: CalendarAgendaCell, indexPath: IndexPath) {
    let myEvent = myEvents[indexPath.row]
    cell.configureCell(agendaEvent: myEvent)
   // Cell Configuration Functions
func configureCell(cell: JTAppleCell?, cellState: CellState) {
    guard let myCustomCell = cell as? CalendarCell else {return}

    handleCellSelection(cell: myCustomCell, cellState: cellState)
    handleCellEvents(cell: myCustomCell, cellState: cellState)
func handleCellEvents(cell: CalendarCell, cellState: CellState) {
    // $0 is index value for events from server array, closure says key matches cellState, statement says the event dot view will be hidden if the event from server does not contain value
    formatter.dateFormat = "dd MM yyyy"
    cell.dotImage.isHidden = !eventsFromTheServer.contains { $0.key == formatter.string(from: cellState.date)}
func calendar(_ calendar: JTAppleCalendarView, didSelectDate date: Date, cell: JTAppleCell?, cellState: CellState) {
    selectedDate = date
    configureCell(cell: cell, cellState: cellState)


extension CalendarVC {
func getServerEvents() -> [Date:AgendaEvent] {
    var myEvent: AgendaEvent!
    var eventDate: Date!
    for event in myEvents {
        for date in (event.agendaDates as? Set<AgendaDate>)! {
            let eventDates = date.agendaDates
            eventTitle = event.agendaTitle
            eventDesc = event.agendaDescription
            eventDate = eventDates
            myEvent = event


    formatter.dateFormat = "dd MM yyyy"
    let eventDateString = formatter.string(from: eventDate)
    formatter.dateFormat = "dd MM yyyy"
    return [formatter.date(from: eventDateString)! : myEvent ]


显然我已经实现了 JTAppleCalendarViewDataSource 和 JTAppleCalendarViewDelegate。

这是我第一次使用 JTAppleCalendar,但我无法在文档中找到任何帮助。不幸的是,我似乎无法理解我的错误在哪里,所以即使是在正确方向上的一个小点也会非常感激!


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