; naive sieve.
(defn sieve
([max] (sieve max (range 2 max) 2))
([max candidates n]
(if (> (* n n) max)
(recur max (filter #(or (= % n) (not (= (mod % n) 0))) candidates) (inc n)))))
; Instead of just passing the 'candidates' list, from which I sieve-out the non-primes,
; I also pass a 'primes' list, with the already found primes
; I hoped that this would increase the speed, because:
; - Instead of sieving-out multiples of 'all' numbers, I now only sieve-out the multiples of primes.
; - The filter predicate now becomes simpler.
; However, this code seems to be approx 20x as slow.
; Note: the primes in 'primes' end up reversed, but I don't care (much). Adding a 'reverse' call makes it even slower :-(
(defn sieve2
([max] (sieve2 max () (range 2 max)))
([max primes candidates]
(let [n (first candidates)]
(if (> (* n n) max)
(concat primes candidates)
(recur max (conj primes n) (filter #(not (= (mod % n) 0)) (rest candidates)))))))
; Another attempt to speed things up. Instead of sieving-out multiples of all numbers in the range,
; I want to sieve-out only multiples of primes.. I don't like the '(first (filter ' construct very much...
; It doesn't seem to be faster than 'sieve'.
(defn sieve3
([max] (sieve max (range 2 max) 2))
([max candidates n]
(if (> (* n n) max)
(let [new_candidates (filter #(or (= % n) (not (= (mod % n) 0))) candidates)]
(recur max new_candidates (first (filter #(> % n) new_candidates)))))))
(time (sieve 10000000))
(time (sieve 10000000))
(time (sieve2 10000000))
(time (sieve2 10000000))
(time (sieve2 10000000))
(time (sieve 10000000)) ; Strange, speeds are very different now... Must be some memory allocation thing caused by running sieve2
(time (sieve 10000000))
(time (sieve3 10000000))
(time (sieve3 10000000))
(time (sieve 10000000))