我是 UML 的新手,我正在尝试记录我的软件开发过程。我用 PlantUML 制作了下图:
例如,在 之后PatchRelease
。同上MinorRelease --> EvalEpic
。我应该如何展示这个?(提供 PlantUML 代码的答案不是必需的,但会很好)
[*] --> Major
state Major {
[*] --> CreateEpic
note right : An 'Epic' describes the set of desired\nfeatures the end-user would like to see
CreateEpic --> EvalEpic
EvalEpic --> Minor : unfulfilled
EvalEpic --> MajorRelease : fulfilled
MajorRelease --> [*]
state Minor {
[*] --> CreateStory
CreateStory --> EvalStory
EvalStory --> Patch : unfulfilled
EvalStory --> MinorRelease : fulfilled
MinorRelease --> DeployLive
state Patch {
[*] --> Testing
Testing --> DeployTest
DeployTest --> EvalTest
EvalTest --> Testing : bugs found
EvalTest --> PatchRelease: no bugs found
state Testing {
[*] --> WriteTests
WriteTests --> RunTests
RunTests --> WriteCode: test(s) failed
RunTests -left-> WriteTests: tests passed
WriteCode --> RunTests
Patch --> EvalStory
Minor --> EvalEpic