我正在编写一个脚本来将加扰的单词与其未加扰的对应词匹配,我遇到了一个奇怪的 NaN 问题。我在下面插入了评论,以指导您进一步了解我的问题,希望您能给我解释为什么会出现这个问题。感谢您的时间和帮助。


<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
  <meta content="utf-8" http-equiv="encoding">

  <form id="words">
    <input type="hidden" value="html:),121212,21122112,asdfjkl;,hal9000,1234qwer,1q2w3e,test123,gambit,sports,hello!,willie,hashtags,oneway,whoknows,whyowhy,youwho,theone,sweet!,wo0Oot">


    var words, scram, wordVals, scramVals, sum, i, I;

    // Turn word list into an array.
    words = [];
    var words = document.getElementById("words").elements[0].value.split(",");

    // Turn scrambled word list into an array.
    scram = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

    // Next I iterate through each letter of each word (for the unscrambled words)
    // and convert those letters into ASCII values - adding those together
    // to get the total ASCII value of each word.

    wordVals = [];
    for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
      for (I = 0; I < words[i].length; I++) {
        sum += words[i].charCodeAt(I);
        // console.log(sum)

        // Using console.log(sum), you see that the first 6 iterations return NaN.
        // Each iteration (ASCII Value) for the first word in this loop
        // words[0].charCodeAt(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), all returned NaN.
        // But each word after the first iteration calculates the ASCII values
        // like it's supposed to.
      sum = 0;
      console.log("Word[" + i + "]: " + words[i] + " - Value: " + wordVals[i]);

    // typeof WordVals[0] = number
    console.log("typeof wordVals[0]?: " + typeof(wordVals[0]));
    // isInteger = false
    console.log("isInteger wordVals[0]?: " + Number.isInteger(wordVals[0]));

    // Here I am iterating through each letter of each word (for the scrambled words)
    // and converting those letters into ASCII values - adding those values together
    // to get the total ASCII value of each word.
    // **This loop uses the same exact code as the one above (but with different variables)
    // and it works correctly. Why is this?

    scramVals = [];
    for (i = 0; i < scram.length; i++) {
      for (I = 0; I < scram[i].length; I++) {
        sum += scram[i].charCodeAt(I);
      sum = 0;
      console.log("Scram Word[" + i + "]: " + scram[i] + " - Value: " + scramVals[i]);



  • 字[0]:html :) - 值:NaN
  • Word[1]:121212 - 值:297
  • typeof wordVals[0]?: 数字
  • isInteger wordVals[0]?: false
  • Scram Word[0]:leho!l - 值:565
  • Scram Word[1]:lilwie - 值:646

我尝试在我的单词列表中使用不同的起始单词,但得到相同的 NaN 结果。


为什么我在第一个单词的每个字母的 ASCII 值上得到一个 NaN?





2 回答 2


那是因为undefined + NumberNaN。最初,sum变量是undefined。这就是为什么wordVals数组中的第一个值是NaN.


var words, scram, wordVals, scramVals, sum = 0, i, I;
于 2017-05-18T06:09:26.907 回答

对于第一次迭代,您添加一个未定义的数字(即总和)。所以它会变成NaN。使总和= 0;一开始

于 2017-05-18T08:39:10.380 回答