
MATCH (node:Wallet)
WITH collect(node) AS nodes
CALL apoc.algo.pageRankWithConfig(nodes,{types:'SendTo'}) YIELD node, score
WITH nodes, collect({id:toString(id(node)),score:score}) as ranks
call apoc.map.groupBy(ranks,'id') as ranksById
CALL apoc.algo.closeness(['SendTo'],nodes,'INCOMING') YIELD node, score
RETURN node, ranksById[toString(id(node))] as rank, score


Invalid input 'a': expected whitespace, comment, result fields of a procedure, LOAD CSV, START, MATCH, UNWIND, MERGE, CREATE, SET, DELETE, REMOVE, FOREACH, WITH, CALL, RETURN, UNION, ';' or end of input (line 5, column 35 (offset: 224))
"call apoc.map.groupBy(ranks,'id') as ranksById"


MATCH (node:Wallet)
WITH collect(node) AS nodes
CALL apoc.algo.pageRankWithConfig(nodes,{types:'SendTo'}) YIELD node, score
WITH nodes, collect({id:toString(id(node)),score:score}) as ranks
call apoc.map.groupBy(ranks,'id') YIELD values
CALL apoc.algo.closeness(['SendTo'],nodes,'INCOMING') YIELD node, score
RETURN node, values[toString(id(node))] as rank, score 

错误是: There is no procedure with the name `apoc.map.groupBy` registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.

当我检查时call apoc.help('apoc.map.groupBy'),该方法已注册,并带有签名apoc.map.groupBy(values :: LIST? OF ANY?, key :: STRING?) :: (MAP?)



1 回答 1


这是因为apoc.map.groupBy()它是一个函数,而不是一个过程。Neo4j 3.1 引入了自定义用户函数(可以作为表达式内联调用,不需要 CALL 或 YIELD),因此将许多过程更改为函数以获得更好的灵活性。

将您的 CALL 行更改为 WITH,如下所示:

WITH nodes, apoc.map.groupBy(ranks,'id') as values
于 2017-04-27T06:55:04.547 回答