而不是 CRUD(创建-读取-更新-删除),我更喜欢首字母缩写词 (D)AREL(显示、添加、删除、编辑、列表)—— (D) 是无声的 ;-)
虽然并非所有 RESTful API 设计选择对于基于浏览器的 crud 应用程序都有意义,但我们可以借鉴其中的大部分内容,例如:
GET /books -- html table listing all books (alternatively /books/list to go with the DAREL acronym)
GET /books/add -- display a form for adding a new book
POST /books/add -- adds a new book and redirects to /book/1 (where 1 is a new book id)
GET /book/1 -- display book 1 info (e.g. a customer view)
GET /book/1/edit -- display a form to edit /book/1
POST /book/1/edit -- updates /book/1 and redirects to /book/1
GET /book/1/remove -- maybe/probably optional
POST /book/1/remove -- normally /book/1/edit will have a delete button that handles "are you sure..?" and posts here, redirects to /books
uri 方案是/resource/unique-identifier/action
. (D) / display 动作对于给定的资源 uri 是静默/默认的。
GET /book/1/authors -- list all authors for /book/1
GET /book/1/authors/add -- add author form
GET /book/1/author/1
GET /book/1/author/1/edit
// etc.
尽管您可能需要为作者提供单独/附加的 url 层次结构:
GET /authors
GET /authors/add
GET /author/1
// etc.
GET /author/1/books
// etc.
大多数现代网络应用程序使用 ajax 调用子资源,所以在这里你也可以使用纯 RESTful api:
GET /api/book/1/authors -- returns list of all authors for /book/1
POST /api/book/1/authors -- create a new author, returns the new author uri, e.g. /api/author/1
GET /api/author/1 -- get /author/1 info according to MIME type etc.
PUT /api/author/1 -- update /author/1
DELETE /api/author/1 -- delete the /author/1 resource
DELETE /api/book/1/author/1 -- delete author/1 from /book/1? (or maybe this is covered by PUT /api/author/1 ?)
原始 url-scheme 的翻译非常机械
/resource/unique-id/action -> http-verb /resource/unique-id
其中动作 = http-动词
display = GET (on a singular resource)
add = POST
remove = DELETE
edit = PUT
list = GET (on a plural/collection resource)