
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, RankNTypes, ConstraintKinds, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}

class Class1 b h | h -> b
instance Class1 Functor Applicative
instance Class1 Applicative Monad

class SuperClass1 b h
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} SuperClass1 b b
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (SuperClass1 b c, Class1 c h) => SuperClass1 b h


newtype HFree c f a = HFree { runHFree :: forall g. c g => (forall b. f b -> g b) -> g a }

instance SuperClass1 Functor c => Functor (HFree c f)
instance SuperClass1 Applicative c => Applicative (HFree c f)
instance SuperClass1 Monad c => Monad (HFree c f)

test :: (a -> b) -> HFree Monad f a -> HFree Monad f b
test = fmap

(即我可以给出一个 for 的实例,Functor只要Hfree c fFunctor的超类c。)

这在 Applicative 实例中给出了这个错误(与 Monad 实例类似):

• Overlapping instances for SuperClass1 Functor c1
    arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
  Matching instances:
    instance [overlappable] forall k k k (b :: k) (c :: k) (h :: k).
                            (SuperClass1 b c, Class1 c h) =>
                            SuperClass1 b h
      -- Defined at superclass.hs:17:31
    instance [overlapping] forall k (b :: k). SuperClass1 b b
      -- Defined at superclass.hs:16:30
  (The choice depends on the instantiation of ‘c1, k1’
   To pick the first instance above, use IncoherentInstances
   when compiling the other instance declarations)
• In the instance declaration for ‘Applicative (HFree c f)’

据我了解,Applicative 实例需要 Functor 实例,所以 Applicative 实例也需要SuperClass1 Functor cFunctor 的约束。事实上,如果我添加这个,错误就会消失。(这是我目前拥有的:http: //hackage.haskell.org/package/free-functors-0.7/docs/Data-Functor-HFree.html

但不知何故,GHC 足够聪明,可以理解这SuperClass1 Applicative c意味着SuperClass1 Functor c,因为它不会抱怨缺少约束。相反,它会卡在重叠实例错误上。如果有办法修复错误,那就太好了,但我不知道怎么做!


1 回答 1


但不知何故,GHC 足够聪明,可以理解这SuperClass1 Applicative c意味着SuperClass1 Functor c,因为它不会抱怨缺少约束。

我担心你太有希望了——GHC 可能正在从另一端开始工作并立即放弃:它看到fmap并试图检查这HFree是一个Functor. 它只有一个实例可供选择:SuperClass1 Functor c => Functor (HFree c f). 然后,它开始尝试满足对该实例 ( SuperClass1 Functor c) 的约束并突然意识到它不知道该做什么——它可以选择两个实例:

  • SuperClass1 b b
  • SuperClass1 b h

请注意,我忽略了对这些实例的约束——那是因为GHC 需要在查看左侧的约束之前提交到一个实例。话虽如此,@ user2407038 的评论是非常正确的:您的实例重叠非常严重-GHC 不知道它是否应该尝试统一b ~ Functorandb ~ cb ~ Functorand h ~ c。两者都可以工作。

如果是选择任何一个都可以的情况,您应该打开IncoherentInstances. 不幸的是,这里不是这种情况。您知道您希望选择第二个实例,但 GHC 没有。




{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, ConstraintKinds, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances, DataKinds, TypeOperators #-}

import Data.Kind (Constraint)

-- Find transitively all the superclasses of a constraint (including itself)
type family SuperClasses (x :: k -> Constraint) :: [k -> Constraint]
type instance SuperClasses Functor = '[Functor]
type instance SuperClasses Applicative = Applicative ': SuperClasses Functor
type instance SuperClasses Monad = Monad ': SuperClasses Applicative

-- Type level version of `elem` which is a Constraint
type family Elem (x :: k) (xs :: [k]) :: Constraint where
  Elem a (a ': bs) = ()
  Elem a (b ': bs) = Elem a bs

-- Type level version of checking the first list is a subset of the second
type family Subset (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) :: Constraint where
  Subset '[] bs = ()
  Subset (a ': as) bs = (Elem a bs, Subset as bs)

-- Tell us whether the constraint x is a sub-constraint (thereby implied by) y
type x <: y = SuperClasses x `Subset` SuperClasses y


-- I've cropped the body of HFree since it is of no interest here
data HFree c f a

instance Functor     <: c => Functor     (HFree c f)
instance Applicative <: c => Applicative (HFree c f)
instance Monad       <: c  => Monad      (HFree c f)


-- Compiles
test1 :: (a -> b) -> HFree Monad f a -> HFree Monad f b
test1 = fmap

-- Compiles
test2 :: a -> HFree Monad f a
test2 = pure

-- Doesn't compile
test3 :: a -> HFree Functor f a
test3 = pure
于 2017-02-15T09:05:35.823 回答