I'm trying to load a simple map with a marker on a page with Meteor. I'm using the GoogleMaps package and Iron.
The map is showing up correctly in my browser but when I try it out with iOS Simulator (iPhone 6 / iOS 8.3) it just never loads : it's auto-running, returning systematically false
on GoogleMaps.loaded()
On the other side, Geolocation
is correctly returning a position.
Here's a repository I setup to see the whole problem : https://github.com/Loschcode/meteor-iron-google-maps-issue
The important lines might be the GoogleMaps
package setup :
# Helpers
Template.GeoMap.helpers {
geolocationError: =>
error = Geolocation.error()
return error and error.message
mapOptions: =>
latLng = Geolocation.latLng()
if (Meteor.isCordova)
# Initialize the map once we have the latLng.
if GoogleMaps.loaded() and latLng
if (Meteor.isCordova)
return {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(latLng.lat, latLng.lng)
zoom: @MAP_ZOOM
And the process :
# onCreated
Template.GeoMap.onCreated =>
if (Meteor.isCordova)
# When it's ready, we process the position
GoogleMaps.ready 'geoMap', (map) =>
I'm not sure it's a human mistake or an issue, but it's been hours i'm on it and i really don't get it
NOTE : In my test repo I let the some alert() to fire on iOS to see the problem clearly.
Any idea on the problem ? Sorry for the CoffeeScript and the Iron structure.