import pymc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, seaborn as sns
# Seeding
# x-data
x = np.linspace(1., 50., 50)
# Gaussian function
def gaus(x, A, x0, sigma):
return A*np.exp(-(x-x0)**2/(2*sigma**2))
# y-data
f_true = gaus(x, 10., 25., 10.)
noise = np.random.normal(size=len(f_true)) * 0.2
f = f_true + noise
# y_error
f_err = f*0.05
# Defining the model
def model(x, f):
A = pymc.Uniform('A', 0., 50., value = 12)
x0 = pymc.Uniform('x0', 0., 50., value = 20)
sigma = pymc.Uniform('sigma', 0., 30., value=8)
def gaus(x=x, A=A, x0=x0, sigma=sigma):
return A*np.exp(-(x-x0)**2/(2*sigma**2))
y = pymc.Normal('y', mu=gaus, tau=1.0/f_err**2, value=f, observed=True)
return locals()
MDL = pymc.MCMC(model(x,f))
MDL.sample(20000, 10000, 1)
# Extract best-fit parameters
A_bf, A_unc = MDL.stats()['A']['mean'], MDL.stats()['A']['standard deviation']
x0_bf, x0_unc = MDL.stats()['x0']['mean'], MDL.stats()['x0']['standard deviation']
sigma_bf, sigma_unc = MDL.stats()['sigma']['mean'], MDL.stats()['sigma']['standard deviation']
# Extract and plot results
y_fit = MDL.stats()['gaus']['mean']
plt.errorbar(x, f, yerr=f_err, color='r', marker='.', label='Observed')
plt.plot(x, y_fit, 'k', ls='-', label='Fit')
现在我想使用https://pymc-devs.github.io/pymc/modelchecking.html中第 7.3 节中描述的方法测试拟合优度。为此,我必须先找到 f_sim,所以我在上面几行之后编写了以下代码:
# GOF plot
f_sim = pymc.Normal('f_sim', mu=gaus(x, A_bf, x0_bf, sigma_bf), tau=1.0/f_err**2, size=len(f))
pymc.Matplot.gof_plot(f_sim, f, name='f')
这会给出错误消息AttributeError: 'Normal' object has no attribute 'trace'。我试图在做差异图之前使用 gof_plot 。由于函数的高斯性质,我不认为使用其他分布代替 Normal 是一个好主意。如果有人能让我知道我做错了什么,我将不胜感激。pymc 中的正态分布也没有 Normal_expval 来获得预期值。还有其他方法可以计算 f_exp 吗?谢谢。