在 Alea 中完成了一些实现各种 ML 算法的工作后,我尝试在 Alea 中对一些简单但必不可少的例程进行基准测试。令我惊讶的是,Alea' 比等效的 cuBLAS 调用 sgeam 执行相同操作所需的时间大约长 3 倍。如果我在做一些更复杂的事情,比如矩阵乘法,我不得不处理共享内存,这是可以理解的,但以下只是简单的数组转换。

let dmat = createRandomUniformMatrix 100 1000 1.0f 0.0f
let dmat2 = createRandomUniformMatrix 100 1000 1.0f 0.0f
let rmat = createEmptyMatrixLike dmat

let m = new DeviceUnaryTransformModule<float32> <@ fun x -> x*2.0f @>

for i=1 to 100000 do
    m.Apply(dmat, rmat) |> ignore

for i=1 to 100000 do
    sgeam2 nT nT 2.0f dmat 0.0f dmat2 rmat  |> ignore

DeviceUnaryTransformModule 转换模块的内核与基本转换示例中的相同,唯一的区别是之后它不会收集到主机,而是将数据保存在设备上。

此外,Unbound 的 reduce 对我来说真的很糟糕,事实上非常糟糕,以至于我一直在使用它的方式肯定有错误。它比使用 sgeamv 两次对矩阵求和大约慢 20 倍。

let makeReduce (op:Expr<'T -> 'T -> 'T>)  =
    let compileReductionKernel (op:Expr<'T -> 'T -> 'T>) =
                        DeviceReduceImpl.DeviceReduce(op, worker.Device.Arch, PlatformUtil.Instance.ProcessBitness).Template

    let prog = compileReductionKernel op

    let runReduceProgram (sumProg : Program<DeviceReduceImpl.IDeviceReduceFactory<'A>>) (x: DeviceMemory<'A>) = 
        sumProg.Entry.Create(blob, x.Length)
               .Reduce(None, x.Ptr, x.Length)

    let reduceProg (x: DeviceMemory<'T>) = runReduceProgram prog x

let sumReduce: DeviceMemory<float32> -> float32 = makeReduce <@ fun (a:float32) b -> a + b @>

for i=1 to 10000 do
    sumReduce dmat.dArray |> ignore

我没有尝试将它与 CUDA C++ 进行比较,但对于简单的事情,我认为它应该与 cuBLAS 相提并论。我以为优化标志可能已经关闭,但后来发现它默认是打开的。我在这里缺少任何优化提示吗?


1 回答 1



  1. 在您的映射模块中,您应该预加载 GPUModule。GPUModule 在第一次启动时是 JIT 编译的。所以实际上你的计时测量包括GPU代码编译时间;

  2. 在您的映射模块中,无论是 Alea 代码还是 cublas 代码,您都应该同步工作程序(同步 CUDA 上下文)。CUDA 编程是异步风格的。因此,当您启动内核时,它会立即返回,而无需等待内核完成。如果您不同步工作程序,实际上您正在测量内核启动时间,而不是内核执行时间。哪个 Alea gpu 的启动时间会比原生 C 代码慢,因为它会对内核参数进行一些编组。还有一些与内核启动时间相关的其他问题,我将在下面的示例代码中向您展示。

  3. 您的 reduce 测试实际上每次都加载 reduce 模块!这意味着,每次您进行缩减时,您都会测量包括 GPU 编译时间在内的时间!建议您将 GPU 模块或程序的实例设为长寿命,因为它们代表已编译的 GPU 代码。


#r @"packages\Alea.CUDA.\lib\net40\Alea.CUDA.dll"
#r @"packages\Alea.CUDA.IL.\lib\net40\Alea.CUDA.IL.dll"
#r @"packages\Alea.CUDA.Unbound.\lib\net40\Alea.CUDA.Unbound.dll"
#r "System.Configuration"
open System.IO
Alea.CUDA.Settings.Instance.Resource.AssemblyPath <- Path.Combine(@"packages\Alea.CUDA.", "private")
Alea.CUDA.Settings.Instance.Resource.Path <- Path.GetTempPath()

open Alea.CUDA
open Alea.CUDA.Utilities
open Alea.CUDA.CULib
open Alea.CUDA.Unbound
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations

type MapModule(target, op:Expr<float32 -> float32>) =
    inherit GPUModule(target)

    member this.Kernel (C:deviceptr<float32>) (A:deviceptr<float32>) (B:deviceptr<float32>) (n:int) =
        let start = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x
        let stride = gridDim.x * blockDim.x
        let mutable i = start
        while i < n do
            C.[i] <- __eval(op) A.[i] + __eval(op) B.[i]
            i <- i + stride

    member this.Apply(C:deviceptr<float32>, A:deviceptr<float32>, B:deviceptr<float32>, n:int) =
        let lp = LaunchParam(64, 256)
        this.GPULaunch <@ this.Kernel @> lp C A B n

let inline mapTemplate (op:Expr<'T -> 'T>) = cuda {
    let! kernel = 
        <@ fun (C:deviceptr<'T>) (A:deviceptr<'T>) (B:deviceptr<'T>) (n:int) ->
            let start = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x
            let stride = gridDim.x * blockDim.x
            let mutable i = start
            while i < n do
                C.[i] <- (%op) A.[i] + (%op) B.[i]
                i <- i + stride @>
        |> Compiler.DefineKernel

    return Entry(fun program ->
        let worker = program.Worker
        let kernel = program.Apply kernel
        let lp = LaunchParam(64, 256)

        let run C A B n =
            kernel.Launch lp C A B n

        run ) }

let test1 (worker:Worker) m n sync iters =
    let n = m * n
    use m = new MapModule(GPUModuleTarget.Worker(worker), <@ fun x -> x * 2.0f @>)
    let rng = System.Random(42)
    use A = worker.Malloc(Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use B = worker.Malloc(Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use C = worker.Malloc<float32>(n)
    let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
    for i = 1 to iters do
        m.Apply(C.Ptr, A.Ptr, B.Ptr, n)
    if sync then worker.Synchronize()
    printfn "%f ms / %d %s (no pre-load module)" timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds iters (if sync then "sync" else "nosync")

let test2 (worker:Worker) m n sync iters =
    let n = m * n
    use m = new MapModule(GPUModuleTarget.Worker(worker), <@ fun x -> x * 2.0f @>)
    // we pre-load the module, this will JIT compile the GPU code
    let rng = System.Random(42)
    use A = worker.Malloc(Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use B = worker.Malloc(Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use C = worker.Malloc<float32>(n)
    let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
    for i = 1 to iters do
        m.Apply(C.Ptr, A.Ptr, B.Ptr, n)
    if sync then worker.Synchronize()
    printfn "%f ms / %d %s (pre-loaded module)" timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds iters (if sync then "sync" else "nosync")

let test3 (worker:Worker) m n sync iters =
    let n = m * n
    use m = new MapModule(GPUModuleTarget.Worker(worker), <@ fun x -> x * 2.0f @>)
    // we pre-load the module, this will JIT compile the GPU code
    let rng = System.Random(42)
    use A = worker.Malloc(Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use B = worker.Malloc(Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use C = worker.Malloc<float32>(n)
    // since the worker is running in a background thread
    // each cuda api will switch to that thread
    // use eval() to avoid the many thread switching
    worker.Eval <| fun _ ->
        let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
        for i = 1 to iters do
            m.Apply(C.Ptr, A.Ptr, B.Ptr, n)
        if sync then worker.Synchronize()
        printfn "%f ms / %d %s (pre-loaded module + worker.eval)" timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds iters (if sync then "sync" else "nosync")

let test4 (worker:Worker) m n sync iters =
    use program = worker.LoadProgram(mapTemplate <@ fun x -> x * 2.0f @>)
    let n = m * n
    let rng = System.Random(42)
    use A = worker.Malloc(Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use B = worker.Malloc(Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use C = worker.Malloc<float32>(n)
    let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
    for i = 1 to iters do
        program.Run C.Ptr A.Ptr B.Ptr n
    if sync then worker.Synchronize()
    printfn "%f ms / %d %s (template usage)" timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds iters (if sync then "sync" else "nosync")

let test5 (worker:Worker) m n sync iters =
    use program = worker.LoadProgram(mapTemplate <@ fun x -> x * 2.0f @>)
    let n = m * n
    let rng = System.Random(42)
    use A = worker.Malloc(Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use B = worker.Malloc(Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use C = worker.Malloc<float32>(n)
    worker.Eval <| fun _ ->
        let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
        for i = 1 to iters do
            program.Run C.Ptr A.Ptr B.Ptr n
        if sync then worker.Synchronize()
        printfn "%f ms / %d %s (template usage + worker.Eval)" timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds iters (if sync then "sync" else "nosync")

let test6 (worker:Worker) m n sync iters =
    use cublas = new CUBLAS(worker)
    let rng = System.Random(42)
    use dmat1 = worker.Malloc(Array.init (m * n) (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use dmat2 = worker.Malloc(Array.init (m * n) (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use dmatr = worker.Malloc<float32>(m * n)
    let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
    for i = 1 to iters do
        cublas.Sgeam(cublasOperation_t.CUBLAS_OP_N, cublasOperation_t.CUBLAS_OP_N, m, n, 2.0f, dmat1.Ptr, m, 2.0f, dmat2.Ptr, m, dmatr.Ptr, m)
    if sync then worker.Synchronize()
    printfn "%f ms / %d %s (cublas)" timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds iters (if sync then "sync" else "nosync")

let test7 (worker:Worker) m n sync iters =
    use cublas = new CUBLAS(worker)
    let rng = System.Random(42)
    use dmat1 = worker.Malloc(Array.init (m * n) (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use dmat2 = worker.Malloc(Array.init (m * n) (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use dmatr = worker.Malloc<float32>(m * n)
    worker.Eval <| fun _ ->
        let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
        for i = 1 to iters do
            cublas.Sgeam(cublasOperation_t.CUBLAS_OP_N, cublasOperation_t.CUBLAS_OP_N, m, n, 2.0f, dmat1.Ptr, m, 2.0f, dmat2.Ptr, m, dmatr.Ptr, m)
        if sync then worker.Synchronize()
        printfn "%f ms / %d %s (cublas + worker.eval)" timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds iters (if sync then "sync" else "nosync")

let test worker m n sync iters =
    test6 worker m n sync iters
    test7 worker m n sync iters
    test1 worker m n sync iters
    test2 worker m n sync iters
    test3 worker m n sync iters
    test4 worker m n sync iters
    test5 worker m n sync iters

let testReduce1 (worker:Worker) n iters =
    let rng = System.Random(42)
    use input = worker.Malloc(Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use reduceModule = new DeviceReduceModule<float32>(GPUModuleTarget.Worker(worker), <@ (+) @>)
    // JIT compile and load GPU code for this module
    // create a reducer which will allocate temp memory for maxNum=n
    let reduce = reduceModule.Create(n)
    let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
    for i = 1 to 10000 do
        reduce.Reduce(input.Ptr, n) |> ignore
    printfn "%f ms / %d (pre-load gpu code)" timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds iters

let testReduce2 (worker:Worker) n iters =
    let rng = System.Random(42)
    use input = worker.Malloc(Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.NextDouble() |> float32))
    use reduceModule = new DeviceReduceModule<float32>(GPUModuleTarget.Worker(worker), <@ (+) @>)
    // JIT compile and load GPU code for this module
    // create a reducer which will allocate temp memory for maxNum=n
    let reduce = reduceModule.Create(n)
    worker.Eval <| fun _ ->
        let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
        for i = 1 to 10000 do
            reduce.Reduce(input.Ptr, n) |> ignore
        printfn "%f ms / %d (pre-load gpu code and avoid thread switching)" timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds iters

let testReduce worker n iters =
    testReduce1 worker n iters
    testReduce2 worker n iters

let workerDefault = Worker.Default
let workerNoThread = Worker.CreateOnCurrentThread(Device.Default)

在 Alea GPU 中,worker 代表一个 CUDA 上下文,目前,我们正在使用一个 GPU 使用一个专用线程的模式,并且在该线程上附加了 CUDA 上下文。我们称其为“具有专用线程的工作者”。所以这也意味着,每次你调用一个 CUDA API,比如内核启动,我们都必须切换到工作线程。如果您正在执行大量内核启动,建议使用Worker.Eval函数在工作线程内执行您的代码,以避免线程切换。还有一个在当前线程上创建worker的实验特性,从而避免了线程切换,但我们仍在优化这种用法。更详细的,请参考这里

现在我们首先使用默认 worker 进行测试,而不同步 worker(这意味着我们只比较内核启动时间)。默认的 worker 是一个有专用线程的 worker,所以当我们使用Worker.Eval. 但总的来说,从 .net 启动内核比启动本机 C 内核要慢:

> test workerDefault 10000 10000 false 100;;
4.487300 ms / 100 nosync (cublas)
0.560600 ms / 100 nosync (cublas + worker.eval)
304.427900 ms / 100 nosync (no pre-load module)
18.517000 ms / 100 nosync (pre-loaded module)
12.579100 ms / 100 nosync (pre-loaded module + worker.eval)
27.023800 ms / 100 nosync (template usage)
16.007500 ms / 100 nosync (template usage + worker.Eval)
val it : unit = ()
> test workerDefault 10000 10000 false 100;;
3.288600 ms / 100 nosync (cublas)
0.647300 ms / 100 nosync (cublas + worker.eval)
29.129100 ms / 100 nosync (no pre-load module)
18.874700 ms / 100 nosync (pre-loaded module)
12.285000 ms / 100 nosync (pre-loaded module + worker.eval)
20.452300 ms / 100 nosync (template usage)
14.903500 ms / 100 nosync (template usage + worker.Eval)
val it : unit = ()

另外,你可能注意到了,我运行了两次这个测试,第一次,没有预加载模块的测试使用了 304 毫秒,而第二次,没有预加载模块的测试只使用了 29 毫秒。原因是,我们使用 LLVM P/Invoke 来编译内核。而那些 P/Invoke 函数是惰性函数,所以当你第一次使用它时,它们会进行一些初始化,之后它会变得更快。

现在,我们同步worker,它实际上测量了真正的内核执行时间,现在它们是相似的。我在这里创建的内核非常简单,但它对矩阵 A 和 B 都有效:

> test workerDefault 10000 10000 true 100;;
843.695000 ms / 100 sync (cublas)
841.452400 ms / 100 sync (cublas + worker.eval)
919.244900 ms / 100 sync (no pre-load module)
912.348000 ms / 100 sync (pre-loaded module)
908.909000 ms / 100 sync (pre-loaded module + worker.eval)
914.834100 ms / 100 sync (template usage)
914.170100 ms / 100 sync (template usage + worker.Eval)

现在如果我们在 threadless worker 上测试它们,它们会有点快,因为没有线程切换:

> test workerNoThread 10000 10000 true 100;;
842.132100 ms / 100 sync (cublas)
841.627200 ms / 100 sync (cublas + worker.eval)
918.007800 ms / 100 sync (no pre-load module)
908.575900 ms / 100 sync (pre-loaded module)
908.770100 ms / 100 sync (pre-loaded module + worker.eval)
913.405300 ms / 100 sync (template usage)
913.942600 ms / 100 sync (template usage + worker.Eval)


> testReduce workerDefault 10000000 100;;
7691.335300 ms / 100 (pre-load gpu code)
6448.782500 ms / 100 (pre-load gpu code and avoid thread switching)
val it : unit = ()
> testReduce workerNoThread 10000000 100;;
6467.105300 ms / 100 (pre-load gpu code)
6426.296900 ms / 100 (pre-load gpu code and avoid thread switching)
val it : unit = ()

请注意,在此缩减测试中,每次缩减都有一个内存收集 (memcpyDtoH) 以获取从设备到主机的结果。并且这个内存复制 API 调用会自动同步工作进程,因为如果内核没有完成,那么这个值就没有意义了。因此,如果您想将性能与 C 代码进行比较,您还应该将结果标量从设备复制到主机。虽然它只是一个 CUDA api 调用,但正如您多次迭代(本例中为 100 次)所做的那样,它会在那里积累一些时间。


于 2015-08-24T06:07:06.823 回答