我下载并运行了 Fitnesse-standalone 来测试 SLIM 协议是如何工作的。
FitNesse 维基
!contents -R2 -g -p -f -h
!This is a test page
!define TEST_SYSTEM {slim}
!define SLIM_VERSION {0.1}
!path /Users/redmont/Calc.py
!path /Users/redmont/fitnesse-standalone.jar
!define COMMAND_PATTERN {python -m waferslim.server --syspath 8080}
|my calc|
|A |B |multiply? |
|1 |2 |2 |
|1 |0 |0 |
|3 |5 |15 |
from waferslim.converters import convert_arg, convert_result, YesNoConverter
class MyCalc(object):
Base test class
def __init__(self):
Initialise instance variables a and b to multiply
self._A = 0
self._B = 0
self._multiply = 0
def setA(self, A):
Decorated method to the variable 'a' as an int.
The decorator uses the implicitly registered int converter to
translate from a standard slim string value to an int.
self._A = A
def setB(self, B):
self._B = B
def multiply(self):
return self._A * self._B
我使用 java -jar Fitnesse-standalone.jar -p 8080 -v 启动 Fitnesse-standalone
Socket class: class java.net.Socket
Remote address = /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:57853
Local socket address = /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8080
Closed = false
Connected = true
Bound = true
isInputShutdown = false
isOutputShutdown = false
Creating plain socket on port: 0
Trying to connect to host: localhost on port: 57859 SSL=false timeout setting: 10
Creating plain client: localhost:57859
Socket class: class java.net.Socket
Connected to host: localhost on port: 57859 SSL=false timeout setting: 10
Remote address = /
Local socket address = /
Closed = false
Connected = true
Bound = true
isInputShutdown = false
isOutputShutdown = false
Read Slim Header: >Slim -- V0.4<
Got Slim Header: Slim -- V0.4, and Version 0.4
当我在 FitNesse 中通过调试运行此夹具时,出现以下错误:
Could not invoke constructor for MyCalc[0]
1 The instance decisionTable_1.setA. does not exist
2 The instance decisionTable_1.setB. does not exist
2 The instance decisionTable_1.multiply. does not exist
我无法理解为什么 FitNesse 无法找到我的灯具代码?