一行中有 n 个硬币,硬币有不同的价值。两名玩家轮流从线的一端拿一枚硬币,直到没有硬币为止。钱多的玩家获胜。如果 n 是偶数,是否有任何 hacky 算法可以决定第一个玩家在 O(1) 内存和 O(n) 时间内是赢还是输?
def firstWillWinEven(self, values):
odd_s: sum of values at odd position
even_s: sum of values at even position
if odd_s == even_s, the first mover cannot win if the other player mimics the first player
if odd_s > even_s, the first mover chooses the odd position values, and FORCE the other player choose the even
position values. The strategy and outcome are similar when even_s > odd_s.
odd_s = 0
even_s = 0
for i in xrange(len(values)):
if i%2 == 0:
even_s += values[i]
odd_s += values[i]
return odd_s != even_s
虽然我可以理解 if odd_s != even_s
,第一人总是会赢,但我就是无法理解这种情况odd_s == even_s
。如果 ,如何证明没有获胜策略odd_s == even_s