我正在使用“ Protovis 均值和偏差示例”绘制图表。在我的 html 文件中,我包含了这个 protovis 代码:
<script type="text/javascript+protovis">
/* Convert from tabular format to array of objects. */
var cols = nba.shift();
nba = nba.map(function(d) pv.dict(cols, function() d[this.index]));
/* The color scale ranges 3 standard deviations in each direction. */
var x = pv.dict(cols, function(f) pv.mean(nba, function(d) d[f])),
s = pv.dict(cols, function(f) pv.deviation(nba, function(d) d[f])),
fill = pv.dict(cols, function(f) pv.Scale.linear(0, 50,100).range('red', 'yellow', 'green'));
var w = 50, h = 20;
var vis = new pv.Panel()
.width(cols.length * w)
.height(nba.length * h)
.left(function() this.index * w)
.top(function() this.index * h)
.fillStyle(function(d, f) fill[f](d[f]))
.title(function(d, f) d.Name + "'s " + f + ": " + d[f]);
.left(function() this.index * w + w / 2)
.textAngle(-Math.PI / 2)
.top(function() this.index * h + h / 2)
.text(function(d) d.Name);
现在,为了向 protovis 提供有效数据,我编写了一个 Javascript 函数。我的javascript函数的相关代码如下:
for(var k=0; k< xlabelValues.length; k++){ //xAxis header values are in xlabelValues
nba[0][k+1] = xlabelValues[k];
for(var k=0; k< ylabelValues.length; k++){ //yAxis header values are in ylabelValues
nba[k+1] = [];
nba[k+1][0] = ylabelValues[k];
for(var e=1; e<nba[0].length; e++){
zValue = hash3D[nba[0][e]+","+ylabelValues[k]]; //hash3D contains numeric values for (x,y) as KEY
if(typeof zValue == "undefined"){
nba[k+1][e] = 0;
nba[k+1][e] = zValue;
此函数为 protovis 填充“nba”数据结构。数据结构按我的要求是有效的。这种数据结构的示例如下:
var nba = [
["","January","Feburary","March","April","May","June","July","August","Sep temebr","October","November","December"],
["Event 1",79,38.6,30.2,10.8,22,0.491,7.5,9.8,0.765,1.1,3.5,0.317],
["Event 2",81,37.7,28.4,9.7,19.9,0.489,7.3,9.4,0.78,1.6,4.7,0.344],
["Event 3",82,36.2,26.8,9.8,20.9,0.467,5.9,6.9,0.856,1.4,4.1,0.351],
["Event 4",81,37.7,25.9,9.6,20,0.479,6,6.7,0.89,0.8,2.1,0.359]
问题:由于 protovis 脚本位于我的 main.html 文件的 script 标签中,因此,我应该如何传递 protovis 这个“nba”数据结构?我只希望在我用我的 javascript 函数填充“nba”之后执行 protovis 代码。