So here's my problem . I have a web app designed in code-igniter php and we're exposing an API for it to talk to a mobile app.

It's an education based CMS app. It allows teachers and students to log in and see grades and any calendar based notifications

We want to quickly build an app which will let students log in and see their notifications or messages . I am sort of a front-end developer and was looking into Ionic and AppGyver's Supersonic UI ?

What would be the best choice to go for now ( I need something within a week ), also , how do I set up my app folder to talk with the api or bind it with the api ?

I've not really worked with APIs a whole lot and a bit lost in how to set up my project. I come from a graphic design background and have been recently using Yeoman for my front-end workflow.

We plan to migrate from code-igniter to AngularJS in the long run , so Ionic would be a good choice then but for now I need to get a working app and was wondering if SuperSonic UI would be a better choice for an hybrid app.

Questions :

  1. From what I've described what would be the best solution to go forward with?
  2. Also, can anyone suggest any tutorials / screencast which does an in-depth project with one of the technologies ? Or maybe some other frameworks I've not taken into account ?
  3. Can I set it up with Yeoman ? Can I use Yeoman and Ionic together ?

1 回答 1


Appgyver 在 Supersonic 和 Data 方面做得很好。他们正在广泛地研究他们的数据实现。我目前在不使用 Appgyver Data 的情况下为我的应用程序使用 API,但也能够使其与他们的数据选项一起使用。他们有一些教程可以让您了解使用他们的框架构建、搭建、部署应用程序的基础知识。




您将在他们的框架中看到的是用 coffeescript 或 javascript 编写的 AngularJS(当您第一次steroids create projectName在命令行中运行时选择哪个)。


就个人而言,我将毫不费力地将应用程序发布到应用商店和谷歌游戏。如果您有获取数据的 API,您的应用程序听起来不会太复杂。这值得一试。

听说他们还有一款新产品将于 5 月 25 日上市。最近有了大量资金,他们正在雇用更多的开发人员来解决GitHub问题并迅速推动平台向前发展。


据我所知,Yeoman 正在幕后使用。

于 2015-05-08T16:31:52.877 回答