我是新的 Hubot/Node.js/CoffeeScript 用户。
我正在查看 Hubot 的 UptimeRobot 脚本。当我将它包含在我的包中时,我收到了错误:
ERROR Error loading scripts from npm package - Error: Uptime Robot API Key must be provided
at Client (/home/myhubot/node_modules/uptime-robot/index.js:11:11)
at Robot.loadExternalScripts (/home/myhubot/node_modules/hubot/src/robot.coffee:263:11, <js>:212:39)
at /home/myhubot/node_modules/hubot/bin/hubot:119:11, <js>:123:26
at fs.js:268:14
at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)
这是默认的 UptimeRobot.Coffee 文件(位于 /home/myhubot/scripts)http://pastebin.com/aeDgZu0B
例如,我已将 HUBOT_UPTIMEROBOT_APIKEY 声明为“11223344”
# Description
# A hubot script to list/add monitors for the Uptime Robot service.
# Configuration:
# Commands:
# hubot uptime <filter> - Returns uptime for sites.
# hubot uptime add-check <http://example.com> [as <friendlyname>]- Adds a new uptime check.
# Author:
# patcon@myplanetdigital
alertContactId = process.env.HUBOT_UPTIMEROBOT_CONTACT_ID
module.exports = (robot) ->
REGEX = ///
( # 1)
\s+ # whitespace
(.*) # 2) filter
robot.respond REGEX, (msg) ->
Client = require 'uptime-robot'
client = new Client apiKey
filter = msg.match[2]
data = {}
client.getMonitors data, (err, res) ->
if err
throw err
monitors = res
if filter
query = require 'array-query'
monitors = query('friendlyname')
.regex(new RegExp filter, 'i')
.on res
for monitor, i in monitors
name = monitor.friendlyname
url = monitor.url
uptime = monitor.alltimeuptimeratio
status = switch monitor.status
when "0" then "paused"
when "1" then "not checked yet"
when "2" then "up"
when "8" then "seems down"
when "9" then "down"
msg.send "#{status.toUpperCase()} <- #{url} (#{uptime}% uptime)"
robot.respond /uptime add-check (\S+)( as (.*))?$/i, (msg) ->
url = require('url').parse(msg.match[1])
friendlyName = msg.match[3] or url.href
# Check that url format is correct.
monitorUrl = url.href if url.protocol
# Create monitor
apiKey: apiKey
monitorFriendlyName: friendlyName
monitorURL: monitorUrl
monitorType: 1
format: "json"
noJsonCallback: 1
monitorAlertContacts: [
.get() (err, res, body) ->
response = JSON.parse(body)
if response.stat is "ok"
msg.send "done"
if response.stat is "fail"
msg.send "#{response.message}"