When trying to do the simplest graph of the amount of logs in kibana4 I get this (screenshot of my kibana window): http://i.imgur.com/LWW6dyu.png (clickable)

To be more clear: the x-axis gives me _all, and then some way down @timestamp which, if I hover over it, gives me the correct timestamp that I actually need

The timestamps won't appear properly, whatever I do. I also tried modifying the X-axis by doing the subaggregation->terms->@timestamp/time/time.raw. These all didn't work for me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, since I am new to Kibana4


1 回答 1


To get a time series chart in kibana 4, your X axis needs to be a Date Histogram on your @timestamp field.

于 2015-04-22T13:34:12.423 回答