As I understand, to have gcc on an armv5 board compiling executables while using my x86 machine to compile that arm native gcc, I need this setup:

  • Machine configuring the toolchain components: the config machine : x86_64
  • Machine building the toolchain components: the build machine : x86_64
  • Machine running the toolchain: the host machine : ARM
  • Machine the toolchain is generating code for: the target machine : ARM

Based on reading the cross-ng docs here, I should use a cross-native setup, but when I attempt to enable that using ct-ng menuconfig I need to enable:

  • experimental in Paths and misc options -> Try features marked as EXPERIMENTAL

  • Toolchain options -> Type (Cross) -> Cross-native (NO CODE!) (EXPERIMENTAL)

But of course Cross-Native doesn't work since there is no code for it. Googling leads me to this and this discussion on a mailing list saying that I should try to do this using a Canadian build style but I am somewhat lost as to what tuple's and whatnot to use for the Build System and Host System in crosstool-ng's menuconfig, or if this is still the correct way to go considering how both discussions are over 3 years old.

This post on SO seems to imply that the build system and host system tuples should be arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi?

To be clear, I have been able to compile and run executables using a cross compiler generated from crosstool-ng already, now I want to have a compiler on that armv5 system.

Edit: So I just added the normal cross compiler (arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi) generated by crosstools-ng to the tuple in Toolchain options -> General toolchain options -> Host system -> Tuple and was able to compile gcc as well as have it execute on the arm. Example

I now just need to fix the library situation and that should be that.


1 回答 1



我有正确的一般想法,您必须Canadian-Build将主机系统元组作为arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi我之前制作的交叉编译器。确保将其包含在您的路径中或在 /bin 中进行一些符号链接,或者您想要处理它。

在使用普通 HDD 的 Ubuntu Vmware 虚拟机中使用 3/4 个 I5-3570k 内核和 ~2GB 内存进行构建时,我不得不等待大约 30 分钟。使用 SSD 可能会显着提高速度。

完成此操作后,您应该有一个 Crosstools-NG 为您制作的输出目录,其中包括 ARM 架构的工具链。file filename您可以通过在任何二进制文件上运行来验证这一点。

现在,对于图书馆的情况,这花了我一段时间并给我带来了一些混乱。在工具链输出中应该有一个 rootfs 文件夹。该文件夹包含您将为其编译的目标的预期根文件系统(在本例中为 arm)。您需要/lib从用户那里复制文件夹以及 lib,镜像此 rootfs 文件夹的文件夹层次结构。

objdump -p filename您可以通过执行并查看NEEDED指向应位于 rootfs 中的所需库的条目来验证您是否正确设置了库。

如果您使用的是基于busybox 的rootfs,那么假设您没有静态编译它,那么您可能已经正确设置了库,因为您需要它们用于busybox。我首先对busybox进行了静态构建,以确保我可以让系统启动到shell,然后使用工具链rootfs文件夹中的库进行非静态构建以对库进行软启动。一旦我得到一个动态链接的busybox系统工作,只需将交叉编译的工具链放到你的rootfs中的任意位置(/usr/home/toolchain对我来说)就足够了,之后你应该使用工具链,就像x86系统一样,引用路径和符号链接以及你想做的任何事情。

于 2015-03-28T19:20:52.323 回答