Based in this question. Bluetooth connectivity using IOS device

I use the same options. Is exactly my case.

I have a device "socketMobile" Sensor of barcodes. This device not appear in list when i implemented CoreBluetooth option. How i know when a device is BLE or an Common Bluetooth?. Later i implemented the BluetoothManager.framework and this works correctly, But when i try compile, xcode (or itunnes connect) show problems because this is a private library. I need other solution please.. Thanks –


1 回答 1


通常:BTLE 设备通常会标有蓝牙 LE 或蓝牙智能(偶尔也会标有蓝牙 4.0)。

具体来说,由于您整合了经典蓝牙框架并找到了您的设备,这非常清楚地表明它是经典蓝牙,您需要成为 Apple 的 MFi 计划的一部分才能使用外部配件。通常,拥有 API 的设备制造商也有一种方法供您使用他们的代码,而无需正式加入 Apple 的计划,但这是根据具体情况而定的,您需要联系供应商以了解他们的方法(如果有) .

于 2015-03-16T14:34:19.750 回答