我们有一个企业 iOS 应用程序,目前将其所有数据存储在本地(核心数据加上一个充满图像的文件夹),并且有大量用户一直在使用 iCloud 经常备份他们的设备。设备故障后恢复和升级设备时在 iOS7 上已经并且仍然可以正常工作。不幸的是,我们发现当前版本的 iOS8 上没有进行应用程序数据的备份恢复(在 8.2、8.1.3、8.1.2 甚至更多版本上都失败了)。该应用程序可以在 iOS 8 上正常安装和运行,以便进行新安装。从 iTunes 备份恢复仍然可以正常工作。拥有 1MB 数据的用户与拥有近 1GB 数据的用户的结果相同。结果与本周iCloud大戏之前的上周相同。
时间似乎可能与“Masque Attack”修复一致,是否对企业应用程序添加了新要求?
从用户的角度来看,您会看到带有加载指示器的正常灰色图标,然后它与以下控制台日志几乎同时消失。如果用户随后再次安装该应用程序,他们开始时没有数据,而在以前的 iOS 版本中,他们将拥有所有数据。
尝试在 8.2 上恢复的极长控制台日志中的一些可能相关的片段(识别信息已更改):
Mar 11 15:40:22 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: WARNING: Retrying after hard error: Error getting file auth-tokens from service (MBErrorDomain/300). Underlying error: HTTP connection error (MBErrorDomain/300). Underlying error: The request timed out. (NSURLErrorDomain/-1001). Underlying error: The request timed out. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/-1001)...
Mar 11 15:40:33 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: INFO: [2] Restoring from snapshot 10 of backup xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (3/6/15, 9:37:17 AM, iPad, iPad4,1, 11D201)
Mar 11 15:40:33 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: INFO: [2] Starting to restore 0 files of size 0 B
Mar 11 15:40:34 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: INFO: Unregistering MMCS item 488: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AF8DAA2A-AC8A-A3CA-AEBA-AF26FDA720AA/Documents/Photos/8142837B-DAFE-4AB1-A1C3-575441A52528.jpg.encrypted (574c85a9e9dca9d018fcc44a6c4c456bbb4bddd3)
Mar 11 15:40:46 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: WARNING: Chunk store progress model bytes remaining underflow (8192 bytes)
Mar 11 15:40:47 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: WARNING: [2] Error getting item from chunk store: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AF8DAA2A-AC8A-A3CA-AEBA-AF26FDA720AA/Documents/Photos/8142837B-DAFE-4AB1-A1C3-575441A52528.jpg.encrypted (574c85a9e9dca9d018fcc44a6c4c456bbb4bddd3): Error getting item from MMCS at path "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AF8DAA2A-AC8A-A3CA-AEBA-AF26FDA720AA/Documents/Photos/8142837B-DAFE-4AB1-A1C3-575441A52528.jpg.encrypted" (MBErrorDomain/401). Underlying error: chunk for item 00000000000001e8 at chunk index 0 has location r. Perhaps the item should be unregistered. (com.apple.mmcs/29).
Mar 11 15:40:48 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: WARNING: Retrying after hard error: Error getting item from MMCS at path "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AF8DAA2A-AC8A-A3CA-AEBA-AF26FDA720AA/Documents/Photos/8142837B-DAFE-4AB1-A1C3-575441A52528.jpg.encrypted" (MBErrorDomain/401). Underlying error: chunk for item 00000000000001e8 at chunk index 0 has location r. Perhaps the item should be unregistered. (com.apple.mmcs/29).
Mar 11 15:41:30 iPad BTServer[68] <Critical>: LE LE_Security_DeriveLinkKeyForAddress with result BM3 STATUS 102
Mar 11 15:41:30 iPad identityservicesd[42] <Warning>: [Warning] sqlite3 error in _Bool CSDBRecordStoreSaveWithPreAndPostCallbacksAndTransactionType(CSDBRecordStoreRef, CSDBRecordStoreSaveCallback, CSDBRecordStoreSaveCallback, CSDBRecordConflictPolicy, CSDBSqliteTransactionType, CFErrorRef *): disk I/O error
Mar 11 15:41:30 iPad identityservicesd[42] <Error>: Error saving record store: CSDBRecordSQLite/10
Mar 11 15:50:49 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: WARNING: Chunk store progress model bytes remaining underflow (8192 bytes)
Mar 11 15:50:49 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: WARNING: Chunk store progress model bytes remaining underflow (208784 bytes)
Mar 11 15:50:51 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: INFO: [2] Restored batch of 17 files of size 24.8 MB in 30.5 s at 0.81 MB/s (99.4%)
Mar 11 15:50:51 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: INFO: [2] Finished restoring files in 603.930 at 0.00 MB/s
Mar 11 15:50:51 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: INFO: [2] Uninstalling placeholder: com.enterprise.app.in.question
Mar 11 15:50:51 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Uninstalling app <LSApplicationProxy: 0x1563fdd0> com.enterprise.app.in.question (Placeholder)
Mar 11 15:50:52 iPad installd[36] <Notice>: 0x341000 -[MIClientConnection uninstallIdentifiers:withOptions:completion:]: Uninstall requested by backupd (pid 60) with options: (null)
Mar 11 15:50:52 iPad MobileStorageMounter[199] <Error>: 0x350749dc Device-O-Matic: iterate_ancestors IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed: No such process
Mar 11 15:50:52 iPad MobileStorageMounter[199] <Error>: 0x350749dc Device-O-Matic: iterate_ancestors IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed: No such file or directory
Mar 11 15:50:52 iPad MobileStorageMounter[199] <Error>: 0x350749dc Device-O-Matic: iterate_ancestors IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed: No such file or directory
Mar 11 15:50:52 iPad MobileStorageMounter[199] <Error>: 0x350749dc Device-O-Matic: iterate_ancestors IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed: No such file or directory
Mar 11 15:50:52 iPad SpringBoard[43] <Warning>: Killing com.enterprise.app.in.question for termination assertion
Mar 11 15:50:52 iPad installd[36] <Notice>: 0x341000 -[MIUninstaller _uninstallBundleWithIdentifier:error:]: Uninstalling identifier com.enterprise.app.in.question
Mar 11 15:50:53 iPad installd[36] <Notice>: 0x341000 -[MIUninstallNotifier performRemovalWithCompletionBlock:]: Destroying container with identifier com.enterprise.app.in.question at /private/va
Mar 11 15:50:53 iPad installd[36] <Notice>: 0x341000 -[MIUninstallNotifier performRemovalWithCompletionBlock:]: Destroying container with identifier com.enterprise.app.in.question at /private/va
Mar 11 15:50:53 iPad syncdefaultsd[200] <Notice>: (Note ) marked "com.me.keyvalueservice" topic as "opportunistic" on <APSConnection: 0x166601e0>
Mar 11 15:50:53 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: LaunchServies: No app bundle to remove for com.enterprise.app.in.question
Mar 11 15:50:53 iPad lsd[153] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating identifier store
Mar 11 15:50:53 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: INFO: [2] Registering safe harbor for com.enterprise.app.in.question at /var/mobile/Library/SafeHarbor/1
Mar 11 15:50:54 iPad installd[36] <Notice>: 0x1f59000 -[MIClientConnection registerSafeHarborAtPath:forIdentifier:ofType:withOptions:completion:]: Register safe harbor requested by client backupd (pid 60) for path /var/mobile/Library/SafeHarbor/1, identifier com.enterprise.app.in.question of type 2, with options (null)
Mar 11 15:50:54 iPad locationd[64] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0Mar 11 15:50:54 iPad installd[36] <Notice>: 0x1f59000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:withError:]: Made safe harbor container active for com.enterprise.app.in.question at /priv
Mar 11 15:50:54 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: INFO: [2] Processed failed app restore in 2.832 sMar 11 15:50:55 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: INFO: Restore finished in 1642.926 s
Mar 11 15:50:55 iPad installd[36] <Notice>: 0x1f59000 -[MIClientConnection listSafeHarborsOfType:withOptions:completion:]: List safe harbor requested by client backupd (pid 60) for type 2 with options (null)
Mar 11 15:50:55 iPad atc[28] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Not creating progress for <LSApplicationProxy: 0x17dec580> com.enterprise.app.in.question since it is not a placeholder.
Mar 11 15:50:56 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: INFO: [2] Restoring cancelled app: com.enterprise.app.in.question
Mar 11 15:50:56 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: INFO: [2] Uninstalling placeholder: com.enterprise.app.in.question
Mar 11 15:50:56 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Uninstalling app <LSApplicationProxy: 0x15578670> com.enterprise.app.in.question
Mar 11 15:50:56 iPad installd[36] <Notice>: 0x1f59000 -[MIClientConnection uninstallIdentifiers:withOptions:completion:]: Uninstall requested by backupd (pid 60) with options: (null)
Mar 11 15:50:56 iPad SpringBoard[43] <Warning>: Killing com.enterprise.app.in.question for termination assertion
Mar 11 15:50:56 iPad installd[36] <Error>: 0x1f59000 +[MIContainer allContainersForIdentifier:options:error:]: 686: No bundle container found for identifier com.enterprise.app.in.question
Mar 11 15:50:56 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: LaunchServices: MobileInstallationUninstallForLaunchServices did not uninstall any apps, ignoring
Mar 11 15:50:57 iPad backupd[60] <Warning>: INFO: [2] Removing any partially restored app data