我必须测试一个无循环图并且总是检查字符串是否不同不是很有用(它会引发异常)。必须有一个更好的解决方案,但我无法想出它,我有点迷失在 specs2 文档中。这是代码示例:

"BiDirectionalEdge" should {
"throw an Error for the wrong DirectedEdges" in prop {
  (a :String, b :String, c :String, d :String) =>
    val edge1 = createDirectedEdge(a, b, c)
    val edge2 = createDirectedEdge(c, b, d)
    new BiDirectionalEdge(edge1, edge2) must throwA[InvalidFormatException] or(a mustEqual d)

如果 a 和 c 相同,createDirectedEdge 将抛出异常(我对该行为有不同的测试)。


1 回答 1



"BiDirectionalEdge" should {
  "throw an Error for the wrong DirectedEdges" in prop {
    (a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String) => (a != c) ==>
      val edge1 = createDirectedEdge(a, b, c)
      val edge2 = createDirectedEdge(c, b, d)
      new BiDirectionalEdge(edge1, edge2) must
        throwA[InvalidFormatException] or(a mustEqual d)

如果条件可能经常失败,您可能应该采取不同的方法(有关详细信息,请参阅ScalaCheck 指南),但在您的情况下,条件属性是完全合适的。

于 2015-02-18T01:16:28.247 回答