I'm struggling trying to get DENSE_RANK to do what I want it to do.

It is basically to create a unique invoice number based on a unique identifier, but it needs to go up in order based on the date/time of the invoice.

For example I need:

InvoiceNo                  TxnId                     TxnDate
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:01
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:02
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:03
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:04
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:05
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:06
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:07
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    02/01/2014 00:08
    2       8A5BCC36-8A70-4BE1-9FAB-A33BDD5BB78F    02/02/2014 00:09
    2       8A5BCC36-8A70-4BE1-9FAB-A33BDD5BB78F    02/02/2014 00:09
    3       83168B53-1647-4EB9-AF17-0B285EAA69B4    03/03/2014 00:10
    3       83168B53-1647-4EB9-AF17-0B285EAA69B4    03/03/2014 00:20
    3       83168B53-1647-4EB9-AF17-0B285EAA69B4    03/03/2014 00:21
    3       83168B53-1647-4EB9-AF17-0B285EAA69B4    03/03/2014 00:23

But what I get when using DENSE_RANK OVER (Order by TxnId) is:

InvoiceNo       TxnId                                 TxnDate
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:02
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:01
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:03
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:04
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:06
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:05
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    02/01/2014 00:08
    1       6C952E91-B888-4244-9079-14FBECAE0BA2    01/01/2014 00:07
    2       83168B53-1647-4EB9-AF17-0B285EAA69B4    03/03/2014 00:10
    2       83168B53-1647-4EB9-AF17-0B285EAA69B4    03/03/2014 00:21
    2       83168B53-1647-4EB9-AF17-0B285EAA69B4    03/03/2014 00:20
    2       83168B53-1647-4EB9-AF17-0B285EAA69B4    03/03/2014 00:23
    3       8A5BCC36-8A70-4BE1-9FAB-A33BDD5BB78F    02/02/2014 00:09
    3       8A5BCC36-8A70-4BE1-9FAB-A33BDD5BB78F    02/02/2014 00:09

If I do DENSE_RANK OVER(TxnId,TxnDate), it is a complete mess and doesn't do what I want either.

Any ideas guys? Am I even using the write function to do this? Any help appreciated :)


1 回答 1


I think you want:

select dense_rank() over (order by txnid, txndate)

Everything with the same transaction id and date will have the same value.


If you need to extract the date, then that depends on the database. It would look something like this. For Oracle:

select dense_rank() over (order by txnid, trunc(txndate))

For Postgres:

select dense_rank() over (order by txnid, date_trunc('day', txndate))

For SQL Server:

select dense_rank() over (order by txnid, cast(txndate as date))


You want the transactions ordered by the earliest date. Get the earliest date and then do the dense_rank():

select dense_rank() over (order by txnmindate, txnid)
from (select t.*, min(txndate) over (partition by txnid) as txnmindate
      from table t
     ) t
于 2015-01-28T12:13:38.067 回答