def calc_polygons(startx, starty, endx, endy, radius):
sl = (2 * radius) * math.tan(math.pi / 6)
# calculate coordinates of the hexagon points
p = sl * 0.5
b = sl * math.cos(math.radians(30))
w = b * 2
h = 2 * sl
origx = startx
origy = starty
# offsets for moving along and up rows
xoffset = b
yoffset = 3 * p
polygons = []
row = 1
counter = 0
while starty < endy:
if row % 2 == 0:
startx = origx + xoffset
startx = origx
while startx < endx:
p1x = startx
p1y = starty + p
p2x = startx
p2y = starty + (3 * p)
p3x = startx + b
p3y = starty + h
p4x = startx + w
p4y = starty + (3 * p)
p5x = startx + w
p5y = starty + p
p6x = startx + b
p6y = starty
poly = [
(p1x, p1y),
(p2x, p2y),
(p3x, p3y),
(p4x, p4y),
(p5x, p5y),
(p6x, p6y),
(p1x, p1y)]
counter += 1
startx += w
starty += yoffset
row += 1
return polygons
这对于数百万的多边形效果很好,但对于大型网格来说很快就会减慢(并占用大量内存)。我想知道是否有一种方法可以优化这一点,可能是通过将根据范围计算的顶点的 numpy 数组压缩在一起,并完全删除循环——然而,我的几何结构还不够好,所以有什么建议欢迎改进。