NSTextAttachment lock image cut off at the edge but when the line does not breaks at the edge then the lock icon can be seen. I want the icon to move to the next line like a word move to the next line.

Here are the example:

    NSTextAttachment *attachment = [[NSTextAttachment alloc] init];
    attachment.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"lock.png"];
    NSString *stringHeadline = @"This is a example sample sentence. Why I do";
    NSAttributedString *attachmentLock = [NSAttributedString attributedStringWithAttachment:attachment];
    NSAttributedString *myText = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:stringHeadline];
    NSMutableAttributedString *lockString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:myText];

    [lockString appendAttributedString:attachmentLock];
    lblHeadline.attributedText = lockString;
    [lblHeadline sizeToFit];

enter image description here

Lock icon gone missing when the text near the edge.

Lock icon gone missing when the text near the edge.


1 回答 1


只需在 NSTextAttachment 之后添加一个空格。否则 NSTextAttachment 不会像普通文本那样在没有足够空间时更改为新行。我相信这是Apple的一个错误。


NSTextAttachment *attachment = [[NSTextAttachment alloc] init];
attachment.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"lock.png"];
NSString *stringHeadline = @"This is a example sample sentence. Why I do";
NSAttributedString *attachmentLock = [NSAttributedString attributedStringWithAttachment:attachment];
NSAttributedString *myText = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:stringHeadline];
NSMutableAttributedString *lockString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:myText];

[lockString appendAttributedString:attachmentLock];
 * Here I'm adding a space after NSTextAttachment just to make sure that
 * the NSTextAttachment will auto change to next line like normal text does.
 * Otherwise the NSTextAttachment does not move to the new line.
[lockString appendAttributedString: [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@" "]];
lblHeadline.attributedText = lockString;
[lblHeadline sizeToFit];

通过检查我的 Post Attach Stars to the End of a UILabel来了解有关我的解决方案的更多信息。

于 2015-02-04T10:53:01.727 回答