我正在尝试使用 Floyd-Warshall 算法创建一个简单的程序来计算两对或多对节点之间的最短路径。


public string CalculateShortestRoute(List<Village> villagesList, List<Road> roadsList, Guid mapID)
        //Initialize two dimentional arrays with the amount of villages.
        int[,] dist = new int[villagesList.Count, villagesList.Count];
        string[,] path = new string[villagesList.Count, villagesList.Count];

        //Loop through each village in order to insert distance values into a two dimentional array
        for (int from = 0; from < villagesList.Count; from++)
            for (int to = 0; to < villagesList.Count; to++)
                //If the village from and village to are the same, set the distance to 0.
                if (from == to)
                    dist[from, to] = 0;
                    int result = 1000000;

                    //Get the road between the two currently selected villages.
                    Road rDist = roadsList.SingleOrDefault<Road>(v => v.Village.Name == villagesList[from].Name && v.Village1.Name == villagesList[to].Name);

                    //If the road doesn't exist...
                    if (rDist == null)
                        //... swap the village from and village to, and check again
                        rDist = roadsList.SingleOrDefault<Road>(v => v.Village.Name == villagesList[to].Name && v.Village1.Name == villagesList[from].Name);
                        if (rDist != null)
                            //If the road is now found, get the distance.
                            result = Convert.ToInt32(rDist.Distance);
                        //If the road initially existed, get its distance.
                        result = Convert.ToInt32(rDist.Distance);

                    //Set the distance at the given positions to the integer retrieved.
                    dist[from, to] = result;

        //Loop through all the villages again and initialize the other two dimentional array with the village name.
        for (int from = 0; from < villagesList.Count; from++)
            for (int to = 0; to < villagesList.Count; to++)
                path[from, to] = villagesList[from].Name;

        //Re-loop through all the villages three times...
        for (int k = 0; k < villagesList.Count; k++)
            for (int i = 0; i < villagesList.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < villagesList.Count; j++)
                    if (dist[i, j] != 1000000)
                        //... and if the distances between two selected villages is greater than the other two added together, ...
                        if (dist[i, j] > (dist[i, k] + dist[k, j]))
                            //... Set the distances of the two selected villages to the shortest distance.
                            dist[i, j] = dist[i, k] + dist[k, j];
                            int distance = dist[i, j];

                            Village vv = villagesList.SingleOrDefault(v => v.Name == villagesList[k].Name);
                            //Also, add the village name to the path.
                            path[i, j] = path[i, j] + " " + vv.Name;


        for (int from = 0; from < villagesList.Count; from++)
            for (int to = 0; to < villagesList.Count; to++)
                Village vv = villagesList.SingleOrDefault(v => v.Name == villagesList[to].Name);

                path[from, to] = path[from, to] + " " + vv.Name;

        //Get the transport requests on the current map.
        Map m = new BAMap().GetMapByID(mapID);
        List<TransportRequest> transportRequests = new BATransportRequest().GetTransportRequestsByMapID(m.ID).ToList();

        string p = "";

        int dis = 0;
        //For each transport request, get the index village from and village to from the map vilalges.
        foreach (TransportRequest r in transportRequests)

            int villFrom = villagesList.IndexOf(villagesList.Single<Village>(vill => vill.Name == r.Village.Name));
            int villTo = villagesList.IndexOf(villagesList.Single<Village>(vill => vill.Name == r.Village1.Name));

            //Retrieve the distance between these two villages from the two dimentional array
            dis = dist[villFrom, villTo];

            //Initialize a string 'p' to null.
            //If it is null...
            if (p == "")
                //... add the path of the village from and village to.
                p = path[villFrom, villTo];
                //Else, if it is not null, add the path of the village from and village to to the string.
                p += " " + path[villFrom, villTo];

        //If the string doesn't start with an 'A'...
        if (!p.StartsWith("A"))
            string pp = p;
            //.. Start the path from village 'A', and add the path retreived beforehand to the 'A'
            p = "A " + pp;

        //If the final path doesn't end with an 'A'...
        if (!p.EndsWith("A"))
            //... attach an 'A' to it.
            p += " A";

        //Return the path.
        return p;



圆圈代表节点/村庄。 这些线代表这些村庄之间的道路,每个村庄之间的距离就是道路上的数字。

如果我尝试计算从节点 A 到节点 E 的最短路径,答案总是 A > E(总共 100)而不是 A > B > C > D > E(总共 37)。

每个节点之间的道路是双向的,这意味着从 A 到 B 和 B 到 A 都是 10,在这种情况下。

使用每个节点对之间的正确距离正确填充了矩阵 dist[]。如果没有连接这对节点的道路,我将默认距离设置为 1000000 个单位。





1 回答 1


这是因为您永远不允许减少未通过道路连接的两个节点之间的距离。以节点 C 和 E 为例。 dist[C,E] 将保持 1000000,因为您从不考虑通过 D 从 C 到 E 的可能性。


于 2014-06-04T02:10:36.957 回答