I have a boost::multi_index_container indexed by an ordered_non_unique key as well as sequenced. When I iterate over the non-unique index, the entries come out in the order they were added to the container rather than their position in the sequence.
How can I set up the non-unique index so that it preserves the insertion order? I tried making a composite_key with ordered_non_unique and sequenced, but since sequenced isn't a keyed index it doesn't compile.
Here's a minimal example (live version here):
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/sequenced_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace boost::multi_index;
using namespace std;
struct Entry {
int nonUniqueInt;
string somethingExtra;
using Container_t = multi_index_container<Entry, indexed_by<
// ***** What can I put here? *****
member<Entry, int, &Entry::nonUniqueInt>
std::vector<Entry> const sampleData{
{1, "first"}, {2, "second"}, {3, "third"}, {3, "fourth"}, {2, "fifth"}, {1, "sixth"}
// fillFront should make the sequence LIFO
template <typename T>
void fillFront(T & container) {
for (auto & item : sampleData) {
// fillBack should make the sequence FIFO
template <typename T>
void fillBack(T & container) {
for (auto & item : sampleData) {
int main() {
Container_t container;
auto & sequenced = container.get<0>();
auto & ordered = container.get<1>();
for(auto & entry : ordered) {
cout << entry.nonUniqueInt << ": " << entry.somethingExtra << endl;
cout << endl;
for(auto & entry : ordered) {
cout << entry.nonUniqueInt << ": " << entry.somethingExtra << endl;
// Expected/desired output: Actual output:
// 1: sixth 1: first
// 1: first 1: sixth
// 2: fifth 2: second
// 2: second 2: fifth
// 3: fourth 3: third
// 3: third 3: forth
// 1: first 1: first
// 1: sixth 1: sixth
// 2: second 2: second
// 2: fifth 2: fifth
// 3: third 3: third
// 3: forth 3: forth