出于学习目的,我正在尝试以下操作:我正在尝试通过 COBOL 显示表格......我想定义它在SCREEN SECTION
以下发生或应该发生 - 所有这些都没有打开多个屏幕:
(1) User enters ENTRY-SCREEN
(2) User has to type in a password (nothing happens there yet ... I am going
step by step)
(3) User hits ENTER and gets to the MAIN MENU
(3.1) User hits "D" --> List of states and abbreviations is displayed
(3.2) User hits "S" --> User gets to screen where he can look up state-name
by entering abbreviation.
(4) By pressing F2 the user can go back to the MAIN MENU
(5) By pressing F1 the user can exit the program
我的问题是 3.1 没有打开新屏幕,也不必为每个状态定义行和列定义。有没有办法——可能是循环或使用THRU
PERFORM VARYING counter FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL counter > 50
*<Display the abbreviation and state-name w/o opening new screen>