In Python 3.4 I'm using Requests and a for loop to combine the body for a multiple item API request fetching JSON content. It yields a HTTP 400 error even if the body variable is recognized as a str class with type(). However if I print and copy the content into a new variable it is successful. What kind of formatting is going on?
import requests,json
list_length = len(namelist) #namelist arranged earlier in code
for x in range(0, list_length):
payload += '{"name": "'+ namelist[x] + '"}'
if x<list_length-1:
payload += ', '
payload += ']'
url = ''
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
req =, data=json.dumps(payload),headers=headers)
>>> payload
'[{"name": "sune"}, {"name": "Demon"}, {"name": "kingenin"}]'