我正要购买一台装有 Windows 7 Pro 64 位的 Dell Studio 15 笔记本电脑有没有人在 Windows 7 Pro 上安装或使用 Visual Studio 2008 时遇到任何问题。还是我需要选择 Windows 7 Pro 32 位?

任何其他开发工具有什么问题,VS2008SP1、Azure 附加组件、Sql Server 2008 express、Virtual Server 2005 等?

[编辑 2]
请大家列出您在 64 位 Windows 7 上安装的开发应用程序(指定 32/64 位)(同时指定使用的 Windows 7 版本)


12 回答 12


我几乎拥有那台确切的笔记本电脑。安装了 Windows 7 64 位 Ultimate (RTM) 的 Dell Studio 16。它运行完美。Visual Studio 2008 也可以完美运行。我也在我的桌面上运行相同的设置,它在那里运行良好。


  1. VS2008SP1
  2. Altova XMLSpy 2010
  3. AVGFree 9.0 AV
  4. 超越比较 3.x
  5. CodeSmith Pro 5.1
  6. ReSharper 4.5.x(5.x EAP 也可以)
  7. ASP.Net MVC
  8. Office 2007 终极版
  9. SQL Server 2008 64-bit (2005 32-bit Express worked fine too, but I don't have that installed any longer. I am sure 2008 Express 32-bit would work as well.)
  10. All Modern Browsers
  11. TortoiseSVN 64-bit
  12. VisualSVN
  13. WinRAR x64

Another reason to go with 64-bit is because that laptop will take up to 8 gigs of RAM, and you need a 64-bit OS for that. Save yourself a reinstall and go 64-bit now :)

Other notes about this laptop that I can tell you:

The laptop starts up and shuts down in just seconds. It's perfect for Win7.

You will be very happy, Binoj!

I have more information about my setup here. Aside: I also talk about how the performance improved when I added an SSD. I'm including this slightly OT stuff because I think it would benefit you personally, as your laptop is nearly identical. Note that in the blog post I have the RC installed, but I have been running the RTM for quite some time now and it works great!

于 2009-11-17T04:51:30.613 回答

One caveat to note, if you target "Any CPU" or specifically "x64" you will be unable to use "Edit and Continue".
That is, you will be unable to break execution, change code, and then continue execution. This can significantly slow down development in some cases, and is not immediately apparent until you use it. To get around this, ensure your target is "x86" unless you absolutely need to target 64 bit.

Ultimately having multiple build profiles will be the only real solution if you want to use "edit and continue" while building on a 64 bit OS.

于 2009-11-17T14:42:30.187 回答

我从 2009 年 9 月开始在 Windows 7 64 位中使用 VS 2008。到目前为止没有问题。请记住,Win 7 64 位至少需要 2GB RAM,而 32 位需要 1GB RAM。

于 2009-11-17T04:47:37.657 回答

我在 Windows 7 64 位上使用 VS 2008,并且自 RC 以来一直没有问题。

于 2009-11-17T04:48:56.097 回答

Visual Studio 2008 has some random 64-bit OS issues, but they aren't specific to Windows 7 x64. It has some bugs where you can become unable to save documents in certain situations, and you're sometimes unable to change Visual C++ project properties. Nothing so crippling that I'd suggest going back to 32-bit, and I was able to overcome every issue I came across by using the editbin tool on devenv.exe and marking it as not-large-address-aware.

You also can't do mixed-mode (native + managed) debugging against a 64-bit process, but if you work in 32-bit processes exclusively, it doesn't matter. You also can't use Edit and Continue in 64-bit .NET apps.

I'm pretty sure that all of those issues have been fixed in the current VS2010 builds.

于 2009-11-17T06:30:35.937 回答

我已经在运行 Win7 x64 的戴尔 D830(我现在正在使用的那个)上运行 VS2008 两个多月了。没有任何问题。只需以管理员身份运行开发环境就可以了。

于 2009-11-17T04:47:37.457 回答

I have several friends running that config for several months with 0 complaints.

于 2009-11-17T04:52:21.173 回答

No problems at all running Visual Studio (2008 or 2010) in 64-bit Windows 7 (Ultimate edition here). Visual Studio is a 32-bit app, but that is not a problem.

As far as I know, the only constraint on Home Premium that may be a concern for some developers is that you can't join a domain.

IIS is not installed as a default configuration on any edition of Windows 7, but it can be configured from the control panel that configures Windows features. (link on Programs and Features control panel)

Other useful programs that run fine in 64-bit Windows 7:

  • Microsoft Expression Suite
  • Visual Studio 2010
  • Adobe CS4
于 2009-11-17T15:10:12.587 回答

Im using Windows7 Home Premium x64 with both Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 Beta installed. No issues found.

于 2009-11-18T14:20:38.923 回答

There are problems debugging the form load event with visual studio 2008 and 64 bit windows 7. Throw an exception in form load and see what happens!!

于 2009-11-23T13:00:44.147 回答

I am using win7 64x pro + VS2008sp1/2010pro + sql2008 std, no issues with speed or others, but recently I had copied a project from old laptop (xp pro 32 bit) and noticed some issues.

As noticed by some other users issues with load event, debug and continue are noticed by other collogue, but on all similar machines debugging Episerver projects takes almost 30 min to run default page. The same page used to load in seconds in old configuration.

Other projects on VS2008 or VS2010pro works like charm. Are there any issues with Episerver's dlls copied across? Does any one noticed similar issues?


于 2010-08-27T15:10:30.773 回答

I am using VS2008 SP1 and Team Explorer on Windows 7. I first used it with the 32-bit version and things were great. Then my machined got paved by IT with the 64-bit version. I now have issues with VS windows coming up funny, windows not repainting themselves etc. These issues are really annoying. Co-workers with 64-bit have the same issues, ones with 32-bit are happy. So if I had the choice I would go back to 32-bit.

于 2010-10-06T18:25:06.413 回答