我正在寻找一种好方法来为在 Zend Studio for Eclipse 中工作的 codeigniter 中的库获取自动完成和单击以供参考(无论叫什么)。
例如,如果我这样做 $this->load->library('dx_auth'); $this->dx_auth->get_user_id();
zend studio 不知道是什么..
有这种 hacky 方法可以做到(见下文,来源),但我觉得应该有更好的方法来做到这一点..
// All of these are added so I get real auto complete
// I don't have to worry about it causing any problems with deployment
// as this file never gets called as I'm in PHP5 mode
// Core CI libraries
$config = new CI_Config();
$db = new CI_DB_active_record();
$email = new CI_Email();
$form_validation = new CI_Form_validation();
$input = new CI_Input();
$load = new CI_Loader();
$router = new CI_Router();
$session = new CI_Session();
$table = new CI_Table();
$unit = new CI_Unit_test();
$uri = new CI_URI();