我就是这样做的。内部类封装了记录器的单例实例及其跟踪方法(呵呵——我知道——单例中的单例)。外部类仅在可以加载特殊类时才使用它,否则我们继续没有它。希望您可以修改它以满足您的需求。任何关于更好代码的建议都会受到赞赏!:-) HTH
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
* Provides centralized access to standardized output formatting. Output is sent to System.out and,
* if the classpath allows it, to the Cisco CTIOS LogManager. (This is NOT a dependency, however.)
public class LogWriter
protected static LogWriter me = null;
private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = null;
private StringBuffer line = null;
CLogger ciscoLogger = null;
* The following 2 methods constitute the thread-safe singleton pattern.
private static class LogWriterHolder
public static LogWriter me = new LogWriter();
* Returns singleton instance of the class. Thread-safe. The only way to get one is to use this.
* @return an instance of LogWriter
public static LogWriter sharedInstance()
return LogWriterHolder.me;
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss ");
line = new StringBuffer();
try {
Class x = Class.forName("com.cisco.cti.ctios.util.LogManager");
if( x != null ) {
java.lang.reflect.Method m = x.getMethod("Instance", new Class[0]);
java.lang.reflect.Method n = x.getMethod("Trace", int.class, String.class );
if( m != null ) {
Object y = m.invoke( x , new Object[0] );
if( n != null ) {
ciscoLogger = new CLogger();
ciscoLogger.target = y;
ciscoLogger.traceImpl = n ;
} catch(Throwable e )
System.err.println( e.getMessage() ) ;
* Formats a line and sends to System.out. The collection and formatting of the text is
* thread safe.
* @param message The human message you want to display in the log (required).
* @param hostAddress Host address of server (optional)
* @param hostPort Port on hostAddresss (optional) - also used for className in object-specific logs.
public void log( String message, String hostAddress, String hostPort )
if ( message == null || message.length() < 3 ) return;
synchronized( this )
try {
line.delete(0, line.length());
line.append(dateFormat.format(new Date()));
line.append(" ");
while (line.length() < 28)
line.append(" ");
this.write( line.toString() );
} catch (Exception e) {
private void write(String line )
System.out.println( line ) ;
* Write a simple log message to output delegates (default is System.out).
* <p>
* Will prepend each line with date in yyyyMMddHHmmss format. there will be a big space
* after the date, in the spot where host and port are normally written, when {@link LogWriter#log(String, String, String) log(String,String,String)}
* is used.
* @param message What you want to record in the log.
public void log( String message )
if( ciscoLogger != null ) ciscoLogger.trace(0x01, message );
this.log( message, "", "");
class CLogger
Object target;
Method traceImpl;
public void trace( int x, String y )
try {
traceImpl.invoke( target, x, y) ;
} catch( Throwable e ) {
// nothing to say about this